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Mediation & Arbitration Rooms
We offer more than 30 mediation and arbitration rooms ranging in size from 2 to 50 person capacities. Conference rooms are state of the art, with fiber speed wifi, etc. MORE INFO

Seminar / Training / CLE Classrooms
Classroom spaces available, with state-of-the-art audio / visual equipment and fiber-speed wifi available. MORE INFO

Courtroom / Mock Courtroom
We have one of the most state-of-the-art courtroom facilities in Houston. Comfortable theater seating and other amenities included. High-tech audio & visual equipment with control room available. MORE INFO

Presentation / Conference Rooms
Professional conference rooms for internal brainstorms or sophisticated pitch-meetings. Natural lighting, digital projectors, and fiber speed WIFI available. MORE INFO

Professional Amenities
State of the art facilities with fiber speed wifi, digital projectors, sophisticated communication systems, modern kitchen access, and more. MORE INFO

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